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Bankruptcy as a Tax Resolution Solution

In certain limited cases, a Bankruptcy filing is a possible option to avoid paying your outstanding tax liabilities.

It is not uncommon to find taxpayers overwhelmed with their debts. These are not just tax debts. Often, the issue of tax liability is just another debt the taxpayer is dealing with.

Either due to divorce, changes in employment, wages, medical issues, debt can pile up fast. This causes a person to simply stop dealing with the problem. Then the debtor simply buries their head in the sand thinking the problem will go away. It doesn’t!

Soon after, the collection calls come in and things can get out of hand very easily. Repossession, foreclosure, levies, and other threats arise. Matters get even more complicated and the debtor is simply lost.

The Right Time to Get Help

When you are hit with creditors threatening to take the little money you have left, it’s time to get help.

Taxpayer Rescue is a full-service tax resolution solution. We offer an in-house bankruptcy attorney who is available to evaluate your case as soon as needed. You will not need to be referred out or start over with an unfamiliar face.

Our in-house attorney will have full access to your file. Right away!

You will have an entire set of skillful professionals at your disposal. This ensures the best possible outcome for all your tax debt issues. Whether you need an Attorney, CPA, EA, Taxpayer Rescue is ready to bring all those skills to the table.

If you tried every option to resolve your tax matter and nothing else is available, Bankruptcy may be just what you need to get rid of some, if not all your liabilities*.

For a consultation to see if Bankruptcy is for you call now at 602-123-4567. You also have the option to complete our contact form here → Contact Us. Be sure to describe your situation in detail and a tax professional will contact you soon.

*Case by Case only


Disclaimer:  We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.